Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Anatomy of a Safer at Home Day

Hello! I hope this post finds you well.  I love my lists and a minor schedule in my life.  I don't like to be super busy ever! However I know I need a bit of structure in my day.  It does help that I teach online and have virtual office hours I need to keep.  But I thought I'd share what the rest of the day looks like. 

6:00 am - Yup I'm still up early.  I either run 3-5 miles or do yoga in my basement.  

7:30 am - I'm usually ready for breakfast.  I make some coffee for the household and figure out what delicious food I want.  Today steel cut oats in the crock pot. I served it with frozen local cherries from last year, peanut butter, 1/2 a baked apple and chia & hemp seeds.  Yummy!

8-9 am I get ready for the day.  Honestly I try to not lounge around in my yoga or running clothes all day.  However it doesn't always work.  

9-11:30 am I work.  Teaching French at home is a lot different, but I'm adjusting. 

11:30- 1 pm I make lunch and relax.  For this lunch my daughter made me cauliflower fried rice which we served with PB toast for a bit more protein.  I also just take time to read and if there is an essential errand to run I do it usually now.  

1-3 pm I'm back to work.

3- 4 pm A walk.  Usually I go with my husband and our oldest daughter.  It's always good to get some fresh air. We go for either a mile or 2, depending on the weather. 

4-6:30 pm -Art, knitting or reading time or a combination of the three. Most days I get my art supplies out and do something.   

6:30 pm Yup its wine time! I pour my self a glass of wine and then start making dinner.  I set the table like this every night, candles and we listen to relaxing music.  Tonight's dinner was mac and cheese with roasted brussel sprouts and shredded carrots, for more veg! We have dinner around 7:30. 

8-10 pm - Sometimes we linger at the dinner table a little longer if we are discussing something, but if not we watch a little TV or a movie or more likely my husband and I read together.  At 10 pm I'm off to bed.  I might as well be well rested.

What is your day like?  
Stay safe and well.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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