Thursday, January 31, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 5

Well we're at another Wednesday and another day off of school.  With temperatures in the negatives all day there isn't much reason to go outside.  So of course I ate well and enjoyed my meals slowly and looking out a window.  I don't always get this at school for lunch.

Breakfast: Buckwheat protein pancake again, 1/2 grapefruit, blueberries and green smoothie. I love this breakfast so much! It really keeps me full until lunch.

Lunch: With the time I had today I decided to try a recipe I had sitting around.  Kale, mushroom & lentils.  The recipe called for topping toast with it, which would be delicious, but I had a left over baked potato so I used that instead.  I also added a side of red cabbage kraut from a local fermentation stand at our farmers' market.

I'm not a big snacker, but since it was so cold I couldn't help but have a cup of homemade hot coco.  I added some Kahlua and extra bittersweet chocolate to make just that much better. Oh of course whip cream too. 

Dinner:  This is an old favorite of my daughter's.  Stuffed shells with leftover meatloaf, marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese.  The veggie was braised parsnips and celery. I'm still using our local veggies when possible.

Dessert:  Mexican Chocolate Bundt cake.  Again a family favorite with our without some more whip cream. 

As always I hope this inspires you to spend time in your kitchen at least for one meal a day.
Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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