Monday, January 7, 2019

Winter Fun

Well if you looked out my window at this time you'd see a darkening sky, about 1" of snow and wet drizzly weather.  The temperature is about 38 degrees.  Yes it gets like this in Northeast Wisconsin in January.  At this time of year I feel I really need to keep my creativity flowing in several ways. It's so easy to get caught in a rut.  This rut can be of foods to cook to books to read. 

I'm still working on my paintings this year.  Yesterday I went with my middle daughter to a coffee shop and painted for 1 1/2.  It was so nice just to paint and not have the distractions of home.  I came home  with 2 small watercolor paintings in my little notebook.    Obviously I need some work, however I'm still proud of myself for sitting down to paint.

I'm currently reading A State of Wonder by Anne Patchet for a new book club.  I'm very excited about this new book club our first meeting is in a few weeks.  

Also I'm try to shake up my exercise routine a bit during the winter.  My oldest daughter just introduced me to MADFIT on you-tube. There are a lot of excellent videos that require no equipment at all.  How easy is that?  

And last but not least let's not forget about food.  I just tried these spinach banana muffins, and they were really good.  There are so many fun things to try out there; just keep cooking!

As always,
With love from the Midwest,

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