Thursday, January 10, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 2

Well let's see how long I can keep up a What I ate Wednesday post.  The problem will be remembering to take pictures of everything, but I'll do my best.  I do enjoy reading about what people are eating so I hope you enjoy as well.

I always start my day with exercise.  Yesterday was a yoga and weight lifting day.  Okay so mostly yoga and meditation for 40 minutes and 10 minutes of lifting weights. 

Breakfast: Carrot bread from my freezer and cottage cheese topped with berries.  Coffee and splash of milk to drink of course.  My husband went shopping at Costco so I have a lot of berries; they are a nice change of pace. 

Lunch is always in my classroom on Wednesday.  My oldest made me sesame chickpeas.  I added them to a grain bowl of Basmati rice, buffalo cauliflower, shredded carrots, spinach and avocado.  I also added a splash of soy sauce. I made white rice the night before because it was simply easier.

Dinner: I had leftover frozen sea food medly from our Christmas fish soup so I wanted to use it up.  I found this recipe for seafood rice skillet.  It was delicious; my son ate seconds.  I served it with a green salad and homemade olive oil/balsamic vinaigrette. 

We served our house wine.

For dessert my daughter made cranberry bliss bars.  She needs to be gluten free; I do not.  I can say these were delicious and I would continue to make this recipe.  They were way better than Starbucks'. 

Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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