Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Green Smoothie

Green smoothie! I'm not on a super foods/fruits and veggie/vegetarian January cleanse kick, but I do like to consume my fruits and veggies.  We recently did a staff challenge at the school I work at; it was as simple as putting down how many servings of fruits and veggies you consume a day.  There was also a category for water, sleep and exercise.  I must say this made me more mindful.  We all know that we need to eat a diet rich in fruits and veggies, and I also think a variety is good as well.  It was nice to see in numbers everyday.

So I turned to my Vitamix.  I have a juicer, but I thought I'd see if the Vitamix worked as well, and it did.  The only change from the original juice recipe to the smoothie was the addition of ice cubes and water.

I started with celery and apple.

Next I added spinach, cucumber, ginger and lemon juice.  I blended it all up and came up with this green smoothie.

Originally I added a bit too much spinach; the taste was a bit earthy so I added a bit more lemon juice and water.  It worked out very well, and I had a great juice to start my day.

Here are measurements I used. Please change them up for your taste.
3 celery stalks
1 apple chopped
1 1/2 cup spinach
1/2 cucumber
1/2 lemon - juiced
2 tsp ginger
1 cup water
4 ice cubes.

As I said if you make a juice with a juicer just omit the water and ice cubes.

Bon Appétit,
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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