Thursday, May 30, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 19

Hello! The time is going by so quickly; I can hardly believe this is the last post for May.  My school year is winding down, but I'm still busy with year end work.  I finally got the majority of the garden in, see last week's post, and the weather has been lovely, 70's and sunny.  On to Wednesday's eats.

Breakfast:  Soft boiled egg, avocado toast on homemade cracked wheat bread with homemade sauerkraut, mixed berries and coffee.  
I love soft boiled eggs.  I've finally perfected my egg. I bring the egg and water to a boil and then turn off the heat.  I cover the pot and let the egg rest in the  water for 3 minutes. I put cold water over the egg pick it up out of the pot and then let it sit a minute and crack it open. Yum!

Lunch:  Leftover cilantro rice, refried beans and mixed veggie (broccoli and green beans).  
My daughter brought some leftovers home from her office and so I got a little treat for lunch today.

Dinner: Chorizo and potato burritos, roasted cauliflower, salad with homemade creamy Parmesan dressing. For dessert I had a salted carmel chocolate chip cookie (not pictured). It was really good. 
This is one of my son's favorite meals and he has been asking for it for several weeks.  I finally got around to making it.  I added some frozen cauliflower and salad to add to the veggie total for the day. 

I hope you are inspired to play around in your kitchen.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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