Monday, April 1, 2019

Sunday Dinner -Deconstructed

Why  the title? Well I forgot to take a picture of the final product.  Most of the products I used yesterday were local or as local as I could get.    Steak dinner is one of my favorites on the weekends.  I love a good steak.  My meat comes from a local man who runs a farmette and we get 1/2 cow every year.  Tonight it was porterhouse and a rib eye from another half used package. Ribeye is my favorite cut of steak. 

The veggies were from a local farmer. He gets the trumpet mushrooms for a Wisconsin grower and the cipolini onions are from his farm about 40 miles south of us. I roasted them with olive oil, salt and pepper and thyme in a 375 degree oven for about 30 minutes. 

On the side I served sourdough bread.  I've been making it recently with heritage  turkey red wheat from a farm that is about 20 minutes away.  It has very rustic texture.  We served it with roasted garlic that I still had from the late fall farmers' market.

Okay so the wine was not local, but I bought it from a small business.  It's 100 % tempranillo and had hints of fruit yet it stood up well to our steak. 

Dessert was also from a local store. I just discovered a new tiny bakery that specializes in macarons!  They were delicious and I will definitely be going back in the future.  I've tried making them, but with this store 10 minutes away I'll be purchasing instead. 

Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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