Monday, March 25, 2019

What I Loving Now -March Edition

As I write this post the sun is shining and most of our snow is finally gone.  I'm starting to think about spring and know that it really is right around the corner. So I'm definitely starting to think spring.  I know that there could be more snow, but at least I have the hope of warmer temperatures.  I found several things recently that just started whispering spring to me.  

I love lettuce from my garden so I think I'll try lettuce in potting soil in the next week.   I have a small green house that I'll bring up from the basement to keep it in.

I was in Madison yesterday and picked up some Ticklemore goat cheese.  If you can get your hands on some it is just divine.  There is a slightly chalky texture yet creaminess at the same time.  I crumbled it on my kale and roasted veggie salad for lunch today.  Delish!

Also in Madison, WI I picked up a copy of Edible Madison.  I love the Edible community magazines and pick one up whenever I can.  The spring edition reminds us to eat local seasonal ingredients.  I reminded myself of that when I was looking for fruit for breakfast.  I chose applesauce that I made from local apples last fall.  

Finally, I purchased maple cream from our indoor farmers' market. This is made of the dregs of the maple syrup boil and then whipped up.  It's perfect with pancakes or toast.  Right now the temperatures are above freezing in the day and below freezing at night - so maple syruping weather.  

What is making you think of spring?

As always with love from the Midwest,


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