Thursday, April 25, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 15

Hello! Another week has passed.  This past weekend with Easter and other things going on I didn't really have too  much time to prepare any meals for lunch or breakfast this week.  So I did more last minute planning - which is okay.  I'm such a planner; it's a good thing for me to take a moment not to plan.

Breakfast: "Apple pie" steel cut oatmeal, can't be beet smoothie and coffee.  I made the oatmeal for Tuesday's breakfast and this is Wednesday's sweet version.  I added homemade unsweetened applesauce and cinnamon.  The Beet Smoothie is from Run Fast Eat Slow, see my previous post.  I'm still really not sure about the taste of the beet smoothie.  

Lunch: Kale salad.  My favorite!  I made the dressing and chopped up the bit of kale I had before I went to my middle daughter's lacrosse game on Tuesday.  That night I had a small bit of salad with dinner and then added to the remainder for my Wednesday lunch.  Add ins included: sauerkraut, red peppers, snow peas, pepitas, smoked salmon and cucumbers. 

Dinner: I played around with some tinned seafood I picked up in Madison, octopus, cockles and mussels. I served all of this with a sauce of butter, clam juice, onion and red pepper flakes over homemade pasta. Honestly it wasn't my favorite, but it's always good to try a new recipe or make one up. I served it with some veggies I need to use up.  I roasted cabbage, brussel sprouts and little bit of mix bag from Trader Joes of cruciferous veggies. 

Dessert: Cloud Cake.  This is a delicious gluten-free and grain free chocolate cake I made for Easter dinner when my oldest was home. We had just a bit leftover.  Everyone enjoyed it.

Bon appétit!
As always with love from the Midwest,

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