Thursday, April 18, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 14

Well it's definitely spring here in Wisconsin.  One day it's 50 and sunny and the next its upper 30's and rain.  Additionally, I'm running out of jars in my basement and one of my farmers is getting low on storage veggies.  So I'm anxiously waiting for new fruit and veggies.  As I said many times before, I like to eat seasonally and locally. I'm not perfect by far, but I do my best. On to Wednesday.

Breakfast: Soft boiled egg, cracked wheat toast with almond butter and peach butter, canned peaches, and coffee. 

I love eggs and sometimes my soft boiled eggs don't turn out.  Luckily on a school day this one was just about perfect.  I like it nice and runny.  I canned the peaches last summer when the peach truck came, and I had about 3 (25 lbs) boxes of peaches - same with the peach butter.   I reduce the sugar by a lot and add more peaches, but using the crockpot is a great idea. 

Snack: Grapes. I don't usually eat a morning snack, but we had a crazy schedule this week at school so I didn't get to eat lunch until 1 pm.  Yup they are sitting at my desk.

Lunch: Quick veggie curry.  I added previously cooked quinoa to make it a little heartier. 

Dinner: Hamburger Pie, Kale Salad, Sauteed Lion's Mane mushrooms and some left over French bread, of course wine and water to drink. 

This recipe, from my mother-in-law, is a mock version of shepherd's pie.  Instead of a potato crust it has custard topping of cottage cheese and egg.  Of course I made kale salad to use up the veggies in the drawer and so I could have lunch the next day.  The mushrooms and bread were just little bits of pieces I had laying around so I thought better to use than to let go to waste. 

Dessert: not pictured my small bowl of coffee ice cream.

I hope your week has been full of adventures in the kitchen and enjoyable eating.
Bon Appétit. 
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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