Wednesday, June 24, 2020

My Midwest Life June 23rd

Hello! Welcome to another post of my Midwest life.  I try to capture a variety of photos of what I'm doing throughout the week, food of course and other things.  This project has been fun for me, and I enjoy reading what others do in their daily life. 

I had 5 of 6 burners going for Chicken Parmesan on night.  My grain free daughter had her pasta going with ours. 

Breakfast: green smoothie, sunny side up egg on top of leftover cooked greens, cracked wheat bread topped with natural peanut butter & homemade jelly and of course local berries. 

Our friends sent us a beautiful plant arrangement for the death of my father-in-law

I took some time to sketch.  Iris with charcoal and pencil. 

I love to read outside and reread Picnic in Provence by Elizabeth Bard.  If you need a memoir to escape to someplace lovely this is it. 

We've been eating almost all of our meals outside recently. The bugs aren't bad, and the temperatures have been warm.  

I made toasted coconut cake.  My husband, son and I love this with berries or warmed up jam. 

Updated some of the books I've read and I'm going to read, especially for book club. 

As I've mentioned we have a lot of lettuce. 

Lunch: Grain bowl of leftovers. I included shrimp, lentils, micro greens, tomatoes and olives with a quick homemade vinaigrette. 

Of course I went to the farmers' market, the tomatoes and the fresh caught whitefish are not in the picture.  We ate the whitefish for dinner that night. 

I hope your week was delightful.

As always with love from the Midwest,

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