Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Life June 16

Hello! I really enjoyed capturing photos of the previous week so I thought I would continue on with this endeavor this week.  Unfortunately last week my father-in-law passed away so much of the week was consumed with the funeral, yet there were other moments that were beautiful and yet ordinary at the same time.  

Magic, our black lab, likes to start her day near the garden and is always looking for some warm sun.

My parents came up from Chicago for the funeral; I hadn't seen them since Christmas.  For dinner the night they arrived we made homemade pasta and served it with a cream sauce with local asparagus, cherry tomatoes, pancetta, mushrooms and herbs.

I was in charge of the lunch after the funeral.  Of course I made some desserts, lemon bars and bourbon blondies. We also made popcorn as a snack, because it was one of my father-in-law's favorites. 

I had my first non-virtual book club since March! We sat outside.  I loved the way my friend made a pole to hold up twinkle lights.  She put cement in a plastic pot to hold the wood.  Then with the rest of the space put in potting soil and flowers.  It was so cute. 

Breakfast one day: soft boiled egg with sourdough bread topped with peanut butter and homemade raspberry jam, fruit and coffee. 

A family favorite for dinner: breaded chicken breasts, rice and asparagus. I topped my chicken with some local hot-house cherry tomatoes and micro greens.  It was like a little extra salad. 

I also made sourdough bread.  The flour is from a local farm.  I'm grateful to have found this farm; I feel like my bread is really local that way.  I use a combination of Turkey Red, Rye and Bread Flour. 

Saturday was the Green Bay farmers' market.  I remembered to take some pictures this week. The amount of vendors is very reduced, but I'm just there for the produce so I am happy. 

A freighter was in the river next to the market.  I can't remember the last time I've seen this at this market.  Pretty neat.  

My haul! Yummy produce for the week and yes we got the first of the local strawberries.  

I hope your week was wonderful as well.  
As always with love from the Midwest,

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