Monday, May 1, 2017

April's Bests

If you've been wondering where I've been over the past few weeks we had computer troubles and I was unable to work on new posts or send pictures without major inconvenience.  However that gave me a lot of time to take pictures and to think of future blog posts.   Well some of the biggest news is that our oldest daughter decided on her college, UW-Madison!  I don't know who is more excited about the decision, me or her.  The cake, yes it has green frosting, but that was all that was available at 6 pm on a Thursday night.  She wanted to take one to a class of hers and there was no time to bake.  

Of course Easter started our month.  This is the first year that we didn't have our mass Easter candy clean-up in our living room.  Instead I decorated the dining room table with extra candy and Easter baskets.  My favorite candy from our local candy shop is coconut nests.  

 Of course spring has allowed me to enjoy some lovely walks with my family.  I decided to take a walk in a different area of town one day with one of my daughters.  This is the view next to the river along one of the trails that i didn't know existed until last year.  It's always a treat to find something new where you live.

Also this spring I tried fiddle head ferns for the first time.  A local farm had them for sale.  I treated them like asparagus -sautéd in butter with hens-in-the-woods mushrooms.   They had a slightly grassy taste and were a little crisp.  I liked them; definitely a spring treat. 

What I'm reading:  Wuthering Heights.  I haven't read this book since early high school.  It is really a well written book.  It truly is a pleasure to read a good piece of literature.  What prompted me to read this again?  Well I also finished the Gurnsey Literay and Potato Peel Pie Society and Wuthering Heights was mentioned a lot.  So I had to reread.  

What I'm watching: I'm still enjoying the Gilmore Girls, Great British Bake-Off and Escape to the Country. 

Enjoy the month to come,
As always with love from the Midwest,

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