Wednesday, May 17, 2017

A Spring Hygge

All over social media we are seeing posts for the Danish term Hygge. It means taking pleasure in the simple things.  This is really how I try to live my life.  Yes of course I enjoy the big events, nights out or a special purchase. However its really the little things that make life wonderful.  So today I took a personal day and enjoyed many simple little pleasures, a day of Hygge.  

I started with a yoga class, one of my favorite ways to start the day.  After my daughter and I went to breakfast a local coffee shop on the river.  I hand't been there for breakfast, but it was delightful and we were able to dine al fresco.  Really this is one of my favorite things in the warmer months.  I had a waffle sandwich with fried egg, bacon and melted cheese.  We also split a vanilla bean scone, because it looked so good and it was. It was just so nice to take my time eating, taking and enjoying nature.

After coming home and taking care of a few things we went for a walk, again with no rush, taking the dog with us.  It always makes her much happier and calmer.  For lunch we decided to make Salad Nicoise.  Again because time was not the enemy.  

The day ended with a ritual of painting my toes and relaxing and reading outside.  I encourage you, my reader, to enjoy some of life's simple pleasures be it with someone or alone.  Try to find something everyday brings you happiness in a simple way.

As always with love from the Midwest,

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