Thursday, October 8, 2020

My Midwest Life October 8

Good Morning! I'm writing this blog in shifts this week.  I just sometimes don't want to sit down at the computer again after "teaching" from a computer all day. I know a lot of you feel the same way. So here's last week's recap to keep my time short.

I picked what I thought would be the last zinnias, thankfully it wasn't. I love having my own flowers in the house.

I had some savory crock pot steel cut oatmeal a couple of days.  Definitely a fall and winter favorite. I topped it with leftover broccoli, kimchi and a poached egg. Delih!

Sausage with apples, cabbage for dinner.  This was a new recipe.  I would say it was okay.  I have a recipe with grapes that I prefer, but hey fun to try something new. 

A frost warning: had to bring in the plants. Luckily I had space, and a lot of dirt to clean up when I put them outside the next day.

Celery from my CSA, cool!

A Saturday breakfast of buckwheat pancake, sausage and topped with pears, pecans and of course maple syrup. 

The dew last Sunday on my morning run. This is probably my favorite photo from the week.

Another view from my run.

My haul from the fall farmers' market.  I love the farmers' market. 

My first carrots this year. I think it looks more like a bush! I think they are the best carrots I've ever grown. It helps I thinned them out earlier on, like you're supposed to. 

I hope you have great week and stay healthy!

And as always with love from the Midwest,


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