Saturday, October 31, 2020

My Midwest Life October 31st

Hello and Happy Halloween! I'm not much of a Halloween girl. I have a pumpkin outside on our front porch and I'll have candy for the trick or treaters this year in a help yourself bowl.  I hope we have some.  On with the week, which has been great for getting on walks after school and seeing the sun. Yay! 

I had some creative art time! Okay another nod more to autumn not Halloween. 

My son was gone for work so Chris made homemade pasta and then I made a sauce of chanterelles and mushroom duxelles with herbs from our garden and topped with burrata cheese from a local dairy.  Basically 100% local. 

Not a great pic, but the light is the sunrise on my run last Sunday. 

Porcini mushrooms at the market.  Still need to cook them. I will! 

We went to Door County - a gas fire is way better than nothing and Magic loved it. 

Saturday Chris and I went on a walk in Peninsula State Park as you can see it was chilly, but I always love the water. 

Some color was left on the trees.  Always a beautiful sight.

I love my water; it's my happy place. 

We had our first real fire of the year, because it snowed.  

 The snow.  In October I'm not really a fan.

I hope you had a great week and enjoy your weekend.
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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