Wednesday, July 8, 2020

My Midwest Life July 8th

Hello and happy Wednesday.  I hope everything is going well for you this week. I feel last week and this week have revolved around 2 things at my house, the heat and peaches.  It has been a very warm summer around 88-90 degrees everyday and 70 at night.  Usually we head to Florida for a week or 2 during the early summer, but due to COVID 19 we didn't go. So Florida came up here, too bad I don't have a pool.  We're also steadily going through 2 large boxes of peaches before our next Tree Ripe shipment comes.  1 box is gone and we're 1/2 way through the other and I haven't canned anything.  I froze about a bag worth for smoothies and warm peach compote with cinnamon in the winter. (This is great on pancakes, waffles, oatmeal or even ice cream???) 

One day  we had peaches with every meal, at least my eldest, Madeleine, and I did.   Peaches, tomatoes, spinach, feta and Bonza pasta with a vinaigrette. Yum.

Peach and strawberry mock kombucha; we used apple cider vinegar. 

I made an Indian inspired meal of grilled chicken and needed homemade naan. My husband and I made this on our uuni grill. 

A mini peach crisp, yes peaches again. 

The farmers' market makes the best salads.  We are now getting more cucumbers and still a few hot house tomatoes.  The herbs are from my garden.  This is a greek salad with marinated tofu instead of feta.  It was really good and had a lot more protein than the cheese.  

I finally went for the second summer ice cream at our local ice cream shop.  They have several tables set up outside near a park; it was super cute. 

Had to bake some chocolate chip cookies for the 4th.  We made them into ice cream sandwiches.  

Overnight my clematis plant blossomed.  I've trained it back into my lawn so it doesn't latch on to the tomatoes. 

The lilies are out too.  

Have a wonderful week and stay well. 

And as always with love from the Midwest,

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