Thursday, July 23, 2020

52 for 52 Week 27

Hello! I hope you are doing well this week.  I may be a week off from my 52 for 52.  Oh well I'll see at the end of the year. This week I tried a different recipe for teff flour pancakes.  The picture may not be beautiful, but these pancakes were delicious.  I have another recipe from Run Fast Eat Slow, but they are pumpkin based and sometimes in the summer I don't want pumpkin.  If you never have used teff before the grains are crazy small.  Also if you have time let the batter rest for at least 10 minutes, my other recipe said for overnight if possible but I didn't try it with this one. I don't always think that much ahead for my breakfasts.  I love maple syrup and these pancakes sucked up the maple syrup - just a word of warning.  I served them with seasonal fruit; right now it is peaches, blueberries and raspberries. Please give teff a try even if you are not gluten free, but maybe this is something you can pass on to for your gluten free friends or family.  They really are delicious.

Bon Appétit!

And as always with love from the Midwest,

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