Saturday, March 21, 2020

Recent Eats and More

Hello! I hope this post finds you well, both physically and mentally.  So much has changed for all of us in a week.  Last Saturday we were still wondering if our college children would go back in a few weeks, the answer is no.  We found out the Friday before that Monday was our last day of school with students, so my juniors last day of school for a while.  I now teach French completely online.  I'm learning a lot of new skills.  However, I'm still taking time to make delicious meals, enjoy my hobbies and in general try to enjoy the new "normal".  So I thought I'd share some delicious eats for the week.

Chicken Marsala, parsley buttered potatoes and roasted broccoli.  I love mushrooms and chicken. It's always such a comforting flavor to me. 

My eldest made me vegan mac and cheese, leftover roasted veggies and spinach.  Neither of us is vegan, but this was really good.  We also used Banza pasta which amped up the protein.  This is a make again. (Last lunch at school)

Leftover steel cut oats, topped with avocado, egg and micro greens, a kiwi and tumeric-ginger juice shot on the side. 

Chickpea scramble for lunch one day with spinach. I topped it off with 1/2 avocado and salsa.  This was delicious.  I also had 1/2 a honey crisp apple from our favorite farmer, who gets them from an orchard in Michigan - they are last years apples and still fantastic!

What else have I been doing? 

Exercising: Running, walking, and yoga (both on my own and virtual classes from my studio) 
Watching: Frankie & Grace, The Crown and finishing up Victoria
Listening: Podcasts while I fold some laundry and fining new music on Spotify 
Reading:  I'm a big fan of Julia Child

And of course I have to have a pandemic knitting project.  I just need to finish the thumb.  

Stay well,
and as always with love from the Midwest,

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