Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Recent Eats & More

Hello! Well I've decided that I'm not going to do a weekly "what I ate Wednesday" post this year.  The 52 for 52 will be enough.  However I wanted to share some good eats this past week. 

Breakfast: Papaya, Veggie Scrambled Eggs and Cracked Wheat Toast with Peanut Butter. 
I found a reasonably priced papaya when I was down in Madison at Whole Foods (we don't have one here) so I made it last three days.  I also had some odds and ends of spinach and canned tomatoes so I just put them with my eggs.  The cracked wheat is mine - one of my favorite recipes from The Bread Bible.  I've been making it for years. 

Lunch: Red Lentil Veggie Soup with Lemon.  I made  this in the Instant Pot and it took no time at all.  I added some leftover arugula for some green. This made enough for 3 days of lunch so I parceled it out into my containers right away.  Who doesn't love a quick grab and go lunch. 

Dinner: Chicken Pot Pie, Roasted Squash, Applesauce and 7 Layer Bars for dessert.
I found leftover cooked chicken in my freezer and that means Chicken Pot Pie.  I bake this in a cast iron skillet and to make my life a little easier I use Pillsbury Pie Crusts.  The inside is packed with chicken and veggies. The applesauce is from the fall when I made several cans worth and the squash was also local.  I love my local food in February.  7 layer bars are a family favorite -there so quick and easy.  

What I've been reading: The Silent Patient .  This book is great.  It is a thriller based in London. I must say there are very few books I can spend the whole day reading, but this is one of them.  Honestly this isn't a genre I read to much of, but I am definitely a fan of this book.  It's a must read. 

What I've been Watching: Downtown Abby.  Well since it's back on Netflix I can't think of a better way to spend an evening watching an episode or two.  

I hope your week is going well and I've inspired you to whip up some yummy food.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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