Tuesday, February 25, 2020

List of Loves

As February come to an end I thought I'd take some time to  think about the people and things I love about life and doing.  I decided to cap my list at 20 items.  They are really not in any specific order yet I would say number 1 is number 1.   

1. My husband 
2. My children
3. A good meal and the ability to cook it
4. A good glass of wine

5. Yoga
6. Running
7. Taking a walk - alone or with someone
8. Sunrises & Sunsets

9. Being near the water

10. Talking with friends
11. Reading
12. Art -creating or looking at

13. Spring flowers
14. Farmers' Markets
15. Sitting by a fire
16. My extended family
17. Traveling to a new or familiar place

18. Coffee in the morning
19. Eating outside
20. Music 

What are your loves in life?  
As always with love from the Midwest,

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