Thursday, February 21, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 8

Well another February week has passed.  Not too much exciting here, except for another day off of school due to snow.  In case you are wondering we will be making up some time for all of our days off.  Not fun, but oh well.  On to Wednesday's eatings.

Breakfast: Leftover steel cut oatmeal, roasted veggies sunnyside up egg, hemp seeds and pineapple.  I like to make a large batch of roasted veggies one night for dinner and then use them up over the week. 

Morning Snack: A small portion of mixed nuts (peanuts, cashews and hazelnuts) I usually don't eat one, but we had a crazy school schedule today and I knew I wasn't getting lunch until 1:30.  

Lunch: Kale salad topped with the last of my baked salmon from last week, tomatoes, blueberries and kraut from a local kraut producer.  

I felt like making something when I came home so I made these cherry vanilla energy balls.  I chose cherries because the one's I have don't have any added sugar.  They are super sweet with the dates.

Dinner:  Confetti Spaghetti Casserole, its an old recipe but very comforting, sauteed spinach and green salad with homemade vinaigrette.   I had some red wine from the other night, so a nice departure from my usual white.

Dessert: A small scoop of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce, but I forgot to take a picture.  

As always I hope you keep cooking and enjoying good food  with good company.

Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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