Thursday, February 14, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 7

Another week has passed.  The weather here has stayed the same, cold and snowy.  Actually I've been able to get outside on a few walks.  It is so nice to breath fresh air.  I finished my most recent book: Where the Crawdads Sing. It is an excellent read, and I can't wait to discuss it in book club.  

As for yesterday's eats well here it goes.  I started the day with a short yoga session; I needed to be at work super early.  At least I was able to get on a mile walk with the dog when I got home. 
Breakfast: Sorry for the 1/2 eaten food pic, I forgot about it being Wednesday.  2 mini spinach fritattas, homemade cracked wheat bread with peach jelly, 1/2 a grapefruit and coffee of course.  I've used both spinach and kale in the frittatas and they are both equally delicious, also feta cheese is a great swap.

Lunch: I snapped a pic before I went to work.  Sunday night I made baked salmon and served it with a kale salad.  Kale salad keeps really well and I just topped it with leftover salmon, homemade carrot cabbage kraut, oranges, blueberries and artichoke hearts.  As always water to drink. 

Dinner: Pasta Carbonara.  I love the creamy combination of the pasta, eggs, cheese with the bacon pieces.  I served it with roasted trumpet mushrooms and cabbage.  A perfect winter dinner.  We served our normal house Chardonnay and water. 

Dessert: Sunday night I made a quick coconut flan. So I had one leftover and my husband didn't want it.  Lucky me.  I topped it with chocolate covered hazelnuts my daughter made and a few blueberries.  A match made in heaven.  

What have you been eating?  Spend sometime in the kitchen creating memories and delicious meals. And as Jacques Pépin says " Don't forget the wine."
As always with love from the Midwest,

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