Monday, August 8, 2016

Summer Reads

One of the things I love to do in the summer is read.  I have no schoolwork to do, no work and my children don't need to be shuffled all over the place.  I love to sit in my back yard, which is quiet and shady as well as at the beach.  This summer I've read quite a few books.  I like all sorts of genres except sci-fi and fantasy.  I love to read books in paper from as well as on my Kindle.  I have Kindle paper white and I love it. I've read with it on the sunniest of days without a problem. 

3 of the books I read on Kindle were The Aviator's Wife, Burt Toast Makes You Sing Good and The Feast Nearby.  The Aviator's Wife is about the life on Anne Morrow Lindbergh.  This is a fabulous book. It give the reader a glimpse into Anne's sad life and to the thoughts and feelings of the time.  Burt Toast is a sweet memoir of a food writer's family. It is as much of memoir of her parents and grand-parents as well as food.  The Feast Nearby is about living local.  I always like to read a book of this nature during the summer. I try to live and eat locally and I  find a book like this really keeps me motivated.    

The hammock in the back yard. 

As pictured above are 3 books that were not on kindle.  A Baguette a Day is again a memoir of two people moving to France and their trials and tribulations.  It reads very much like a blog.  The Boy's in the Boat is my current read.  This is the story of the US rowing team in the 1936 Olympic games.  Perfect for the summer Olympics.  And the final book, who doesn't like a sweet Nicholas Spark's book.  I had never read The Last Song.  I was crying on the airplane on the way home from Florida.

What are some of your favorite reads?
With Love from the Midwest,

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