Thursday, December 3, 2020

My Midwest Life December 3rd

 Hello! I hope you all had a relaxing Thanksgiving.  I also hope you have remained healthy so far.  We were able to see my parents and my mother-in-law on separate days this year at our home.  And now that Thanksgiving is done it's on to Christmas and holiday baking and decorating.  One of my favorite things to do.  I don't have too many pictures of this past week; I guess I've been too busy baking and getting ready for the next holiday. I started our Thanksgiving with a home edition of our local Turkey trot. A 5 mile run is always a good way to start the holiday.  

I followed with breakfast and of course a Bloody Mary for lunch. Lunch was a tuna salad full of veggies on homemade sourdough toast.

The table for Thanksgiving dinner. I like to use my good china and silver.

Pies, because I love them.  Apple and Pecan.  

The rest of the spread: turkey, roasted veggies, kale salad, sweet potato apple purée, potatoes dauphinoise, cranberry sauce, pickled veggies. 

Now our table is ready for Christmas time.  I picked up these darling napkins last year and the end of the season and it is so nice to use them.

Our Christmas tree at night. We always have a real one.

I just discovered coco nibs. They are delicious on my steel cut oats in the morning. The oats had the last of my sweet potato puree, coco nibs, hemp seeds and a touch of molasses.

Holiday baking: chocolate covered pretzels. Yum.

I'm also currently reading Pachinko for my book club.  It is long, but is really a worth while read. Since it is dark outside much earlier it's nice to have a good book.

I wish you a pleasant week
 And as always with love from the Midwest,

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