Saturday, November 21, 2020

My Midwest Life November 21th

Happy Saturday! It's a quiet morning as everyone else is sleeping here. I've practiced yoga and eaten breakfast, leftover teff flour pumpkin pancakes, baked apples, peaches & green smoothie and coffee). I'm also starting to think about the holidays and what to make for dinner of course. However in the past week we celebrated my husband's birthday.  It's always nice no matter what to celebrate something no matter how big or small.  But on with the week..

Last Saturday was fermenting day. I made sauerkraut and sourdough bread.  I'm loving the book Fermenting Vegetables

The Christmas Cactus started blooming.  This plant is probably 6 or 7 years old.  I'm amazed. 

Our turkey friend was back!  This time just one, maybe it is the baby from the summer. 

We celebrated my husband's birthday with a brunch, eggs benedict.  My mother-in-law brought me flowers.  It's so nice to have fresh flowers and I rarely buy them for myself.

Making cake and pulled out these 2 cute eggs. 

Speaking of cake, my husband and son's favorite, German Chocolate. 

I also did some miniature paining and sent our cards. It really is nice to send mail to people. 

First of the chili for this cool weather season, Cincinnati style. 

I hope you had a wonderful few weeks and a Happy Thanksgiving no matter how that looks for you this year.

And as always with love from the Midwest,


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