Monday, March 25, 2019

What I Loving Now -March Edition

As I write this post the sun is shining and most of our snow is finally gone.  I'm starting to think about spring and know that it really is right around the corner. So I'm definitely starting to think spring.  I know that there could be more snow, but at least I have the hope of warmer temperatures.  I found several things recently that just started whispering spring to me.  

I love lettuce from my garden so I think I'll try lettuce in potting soil in the next week.   I have a small green house that I'll bring up from the basement to keep it in.

I was in Madison yesterday and picked up some Ticklemore goat cheese.  If you can get your hands on some it is just divine.  There is a slightly chalky texture yet creaminess at the same time.  I crumbled it on my kale and roasted veggie salad for lunch today.  Delish!

Also in Madison, WI I picked up a copy of Edible Madison.  I love the Edible community magazines and pick one up whenever I can.  The spring edition reminds us to eat local seasonal ingredients.  I reminded myself of that when I was looking for fruit for breakfast.  I chose applesauce that I made from local apples last fall.  

Finally, I purchased maple cream from our indoor farmers' market. This is made of the dregs of the maple syrup boil and then whipped up.  It's perfect with pancakes or toast.  Right now the temperatures are above freezing in the day and below freezing at night - so maple syruping weather.  

What is making you think of spring?

As always with love from the Midwest,


Thursday, March 21, 2019

What I ate Wednesday 11

I finally see grass and mud.  I never thought I'd be so excited about seeing mud.  However the mud came with rain and flooding, and unfortunately our basement had a lot of  water.  But luckily I've been able to run outside, take walks, and I have a space in my study for my yoga.  But on with the food.

Breakfast: Veggie hash, sunny side up egg, cracked wheat bread with peach jam and coffee. I made a bunch of roasted veggies (brussel sprouts, mushrooms and broccoli) on Tuesday night, so I just warmed them up along with black beans and topped it with an egg.  It's a great filling breakfast.

Lunch:  Cauliflower Punttanesca.   My daughter made this for lunch for the two of us.  It's a really tasty mix of cauliflower, tomatoes, olives and capers.  I served it over some leftover quinoa I had in the fridge.

Dinner: Recently I bought and Instant Pot.  I've been having a lot of fun with my new toy.  Dinner yesterday was chicken thighs with Chinese black vinegar and veggies.  I served it over baked rice and roasted veggies. If you can't tell I love roasted veggies.  They go with almost everything.  I thought dinner was okay but I could do better.  

Dessert: Homemade Peanut Butter Cookies. These are a family favorite, a recipe from my mother-in-law.  I love having a fresh cookie and ending my day on a sweet note. 

I hope your week was enjoyable and you've enjoyed some family meals.
Bon Appétit.
And as always with love from the Midwest,

Monday, March 11, 2019

The Lowly Parsnip

Until recently I hadn't thought too much about parsnips.  They were a vegetable I would pick up at the grocery towards the end of winter when I was bored.  Now that I started using my winter farmers' market, I see parsnips in a whole new light.  The ones I see at the grocery store are covered in wax and just not a pretty sight.  On the other had what I buy from my favorite vendor (Produce with Purpose) are bright, without wax and store well in my fridge for several weeks.  So what have I made with all of these parsnips well here's a list of some of the recipes and my pictures.  

Well I first went with a muffin.  Honey and Thyme from Dishing up the Dirt.  They have a just a different  light parsnip flavor.  I used dried thyme and 1 cup wheat flour and 3/4 cup AP flour.  

Next up with my shredded parsnips was a Spiced Honey Walnut Bread.    This is delicious, think a winter version of zucchini bread.  I had it topped with natural peanut butter for breakfast.  I used maple syrup for the sweetener and 1/4 cup applesauce and 1/4 canola oil.

This one is Gluten Free; for my eldest.  The original recipe calls for carrots, but of course I used parsnips.  I also didn't have quinoa flakes so I used quick GF oats.  It is also yummy.  Both of my girls liked this one. 

Finally I had some shredded parsnips left over and had no idea what to do with them.  So I sautéed them in butter and olive oil. I also added salt, pepper and thyme and a bit a of white wine.  I wasn't sure how they were going to be received, but my middle daughter said she liked them.  A new veggie is always a win. 

Please try some parsnips; there are so many recipes out there.  They can be swapped for carrots in almost anything.  I'm thinking a cake would be delicious.

As always with love from the Midwest,

Friday, March 8, 2019

What I Ate Wednesday 10

Well this post is a little late, because life does get in the way.  Actually we have one computer as a family, yes that is correct, and my children needed it for school.  So my post took a back seat, as it should.  So back to Wednesday and my eatings.

Breakfast: Strawberry Rhubarb Muffin, from Cookie & Kate.  My favorite baked apples, see this post, green juice, cottage cheese topped with hemp and chia seeds.  Oh don't forget my coffee. 

Lunch: It always works best to take a picture in the evening when I'm getting my lunch ready for the next day.    Wednesday was kale salad, no surprise, and a egg bake with leftover roasted veggies.  Honestly I just whipped up 8 eggs, some milk, feta cheese and seasonings. I cooked it in the oven at 350 for about 25 minutes in a pie pan.  Lunch for the week.  

Dinner: Baked salmon with citrus salsa, roasted fingerling potatoes and sauteed cabbage with caraway seeds.  Of course there was wine.  Dessert was a small scoop of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce and whip cream.  As always I forgot to take the picture. 

Again I hope this weeks post inspires you to play around in the kitchen.
As always with love from the Midwest, 

Monday, March 4, 2019

My Daily Vue

Well it's March 4 dear reader and I still see a lot of snow and ice.  However today the sun is shining, the sky is a beautiful Midwest blue and its 10 degrees.  I am ready for spring to come, and to see something other than the snow.  However,I  really can't deny the beauty that is around me.  I thought I'd post a few pictures of what I've seen recently just around my house.  Hope you enjoy.

A view down my street. 

I think there's something so beautiful about large icicles. 

Untouched pristine snow 

I always love seeing for miles even on a snowy Saturday. 

As always with love from the Midwest,