Wednesday, October 3, 2018

A day in the Life

Well I've been seeing a bunch of blog posts about peoples days or what they ate so I thought I'd post my own.  I'm not always the best about taking pictures about everything, but I set that as my goal for today.  However there are somethings that really don't need a picture - such as dirty laundry. 

I usually get up around 5:20 during the week and exercise.  It's either a run or yoga in my basement.  I love to run outside as long as I can, but once the ice and snow hit I'm on my treadmill.  Today's run was 3 miles in slightly misty conditions.  I always run with my reflective gear and blinking lights.  When I come home I do a few core exercises and or some push-ups.

After my work out, I shower and come down for my much needed breakfast, but first I pour my coffee.  I have a coffee maker that is on a timer so its ready when I am.

 I usually have a plan for the week of what I'm eating for breakfast.  This weekend I made sourdough bread.  So of course I had avocado toast, local tomatoes and olive oil.  This is one of my favorites.

After that I get ready to go to school.  For lunch I brought my kale salad.  I picked up locally smoked salmon and tuna at the market this week so I put that on the salad along with plums, pepitas and dried unsweetened cherries. 

I thought I'd include a picture after school of what I wore.  I love neutral clothes, because I can just mix and match depending on my mood.


When I come home I usually do some school work, laundry and clean up the kitchen.  I also go for a walk with my husband and or our dog, Magic.  Today it was just 1 mile with Magic.

Perhaps after a walk I read, knit, bullet journal or maybe even do a little more schoolwork if need be.  But soon it's time for wine.  We're currently drinking Chateau Ste. Michelle chardonnay.  I always like a glass while I prepare dinner.  

We usually sit down for dinner around 7:30. Tonight's dinner was sautéd spicy shrimp, basmati rice and swiss chard.  Of course I had another glass of wine.

After dinner my husband and I usually watch something on TV together or read while the kids finish up any homework or if we're lucky hang out with us.  I'm usually off to bed around 9:30-9:45, to be ready for the next day.

As always with love from the Midwest,

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