Saturday, October 13, 2018

Sunday Dinner - BBQ Pork on the BGE

I realized I haven't done a Sunday dinner post. Please sit down as a family at least once a week, it is really so important to connect with one another, no phones, just face to face conversation.  We never know what topic will come up in our conversations.  Sometimes it is something simple other times its weighty political topics.  Both are great. Dinner doesn't have to be a big affair when you sit down, but I do love to cook so on the weekends I put some more time into my meal. This Sunday it meant all day. 

I started by pulling my pork out of the fridge around 8 am so it could come to more than fridge temperature.  After that I started to get the grill going.  While the grill and meat were warming up my son and I ate our breakfast.

After the BGE started to warm up I added our apple wood.  My husband and I found these huge chunks at the Green Bay farmers' market.  I wish I remembered the vendor, because they were great.  I let the grill come to about 200 degrees.  The idea is low and slow.  

Once I put the pork on the grill it was time to make the mop sauce.  This is a combination of 1/4 c brown sugar, 2 c cider vinegar and about 1 tsp each red pepper flakes and cayenne pepper.  More if you like it really spicy.  Bring the sauce to a boil so the sugar can dissolve.  Separate the sauce 1/3 in a cup for basting and 2/3 in a bowl for use later on.  About every hour baste the pork.  Also its really important to make sure the Egg stays at 200 degrees or so and doesn't spike higher. 

About 9 hours later we pulled off the pork.  It's always a beautiful sight.  

We sliced and cubed it and tossed it in a large bowl with the remaining mop sauce that I put aside earlier on. 

We served the pork with homemade biscuits, the last of the year's corn on the cob from the market, green salad and applesauce I made earlier on that day.

Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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