Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What does local look like this week?

Well I thought I'd share with you what local looks like this week, the first week in October.  We've had crazy warm weather recently so I still have a ton of flowers and our farmers' market is still going strong at least as of the Saturday before.  Appleton had it annual October Fest in place of the market.  So instead of spending my money on the local farmers Saturday my husband and I supported our town. All of the food vendors supported local charities as did our local artists.

We also went to our favorite apple orchard.  Yes this is a view of my extra fridge. I picked up a bag of "seconds" -they are great for pies, sauce and my baked apples for breakfast.

Luckily I also have vegetables left over from the Wednesday market and my garden.  So I've included a dinner of mostly local food.  The steak is from our cow we get that is from 15 minutes away.  I know the farmer, and I pay him directly.  I also have it processed at a local butcher.  The mushrooms are from Wisconsin and the tomatoes are local. When I use such fresh produce I really try not to cook it that much, so just a bit of sea salt from our trip to Washington and San Juan Island. 
Now the black truffle risotto is not local at all, but it was delicious.  And our Pinot Noir to drink was also not local.  But as I've said before we're not perfect just trying to be conscientious.  

Last week I did pick up some local garlic.  We choose the one with the red writing and it was delicious roasted on our grill.  I made sourdough the same day and what a treat -roasted garlic, butter and fresh bread.

As for my flowers, yes they are still growing on the south side of my house.  I've filled many rooms with Zinneas and Dahlias.  They just make me happy looking at them.

I hope over the past few weeks I've inspired you to think more locally about your purchases and food in general.  

Until the next time,
As always with love from the Midwest,

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