Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Week in Review

As a family, minus our oldest who is off at college, we are starting to get organized after the school year started.  Honestly as a teacher and mother I find September the hardest month.  I'm never ready to go from 0-60 in 2 seconds.  However I finally do get into the swing of things as they say.

I'm back to reading a little bit more.  I just read a very interesting article about what dinner looks like around the US.  As someone who takes the dinner hour very seriously I always find it interesting to see what other people are eating and doing for dinner.  Click here for the link.

I'm also reading A Feast Nearby. It is the story of one woman surviving on local food and a budget of $40 a week of groceries and grocery items. I seem to have a food theme this month of September.

Of course Saturday is not complete without a trip to the farmer's market in September and October.  I need to get all of the local produce I can before the winter, when the selection becomes very sparce.  However this week I did pick up a non-local ingredient, black truffles!  I haven't quite decided how I will use them, but I'll figure it out soon.

This weekend was also the first time I picked up seconds from my favorite apple orchard.  So with the help of my daughter and husband we peeled about 10 pounds of apples for apple sauce.  This was the first time that product came out of the hot water caner looking professional. I'm very pleased with my self.

And of course at this time of year what is for dessert?  Apples in various ways.  This time I chose to make an apple tart.  This is incredibly simple.  Just roll out a sheet of puff pastry and cut into 4 or 5 pieces; it depends on how big you want your tarts.  Peel and core your apples and slice thinly.  Then just place them on the pastry and dust with cinnamon sugar.  Top the pastries with dots of butter, maybe 4 total all around the tarts.  Bake in an over preheated to 425 degrees for about 20-25 minutes or until they turn golden brown.  Brush the tops with  melted apricot jam for a glaze.  They are delicious as is or topped with whipped cream too. 

I hope your had an enjoyable week.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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