Thursday, September 14, 2017

Eating Local

Several years ago I read a book about 2 people who based their whole eating life-style around food that came from within 100 miles of them.  The book, Plenty, really made me start thinking about where my food comes from.  Since then I've read other memoirs about self-sustaining life styles.  Now I know that in reality this is not something I really want to do for all of the year, especially living in northeast Wisconsin.  However as I said theses books really made me think. So starting in the late spring and up through the late fall I love to eat as much local food as possible.  That means eating with the seasons, growing food in my garden and of course trips to my local farmers' market. In addition my family now buys a 1/2 cow from about 20 minutes away.  The meat is also packed by a local butcher and it makes me feel good about giving back to my community.  So what are we eating and buying now?  Well the garden is full of kale, carrots, zucchini and herbs.  Unfortunately the tomatoes got a blight, but I have Rick from Produce with Purpose.  Also from the farmer's market I have Cipolini onions and various types of mushrooms and of course the last of the corn.  As for fruit we have the last of the melons, blueberries and now apples.  As I said we aren't perfect localavores in our family, but I try be aware of where our products come from and pass that on to my family.

Hedgehog, shrimp of the woods and chanterelle mushrooms along with fresh garlic.

Cipolini onions

What are you eating this fall season?
As always with love from the Midwest,

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