Monday, October 30, 2017

Lots of Peppers

This was the last Saturday of our outdoor farmers' market.  My husband and I went all bundled up as it as about 35 degrees. We've had several frosts so we weren't expecting much, but we wanted to support the vendors.  Boy were we wrong.  Of course there were the squash, I have a bushel basket full of squash - hoping they  don't go bad before I get to them.   And of course there were potatoes and other root vegetables, but there were a ton of peppers and the very last of the tomatoes. I also was lucky enough to pick up some bock choy, broccoli and lettuce.  Now the question is what to do with all of the peppers when I got them home. Some of them I cut up and froze, but the others I decided to try a new dish to me Pipérade - it's like a French salsa.  I served it as a side with our macaroni and cheese the first night.  The next day I just reheated it, always love that, and served along side an omelet.  The Pipérade keeps for about 3-4 days in the refrigerator and can be served cold, hot or a room temperature.  How perfect is that? 

This recipe comes from The Bonne Femme  by Wini Moranville. (This is really a great book if you are looking for a new cookbook.)  But really it is a question of sauteing sliced peppers, onions, salt and pepper in olive oil. After allowing them to soften for about 10 minutes I added the tomatoes.  The recipe calls for canned, but I just used fresh since I had them.  Towards the end of the cooking time, about 5-8 minutes later, add minced garlic, 1/2 tsp paprika and 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper. Saute for an additional 30 seconds to a minute.  You can serve right away or just take off the heat until ready to use.  

Bon Appétit!
and as always with love from the Midwest,

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