Monday, January 16, 2017

Weekly Round-up

Well this week was kind of crazy.  Generally I wake up and exercise.  Due to may things in the morning I wasn't thinking I was going to get my morning activity in.  I love to start my day with about a 50 minute yoga practice or a 3 mile run.  It didn't look like I was going to get that in, but with some working with my schedule and actually running after school I did better than I thought.

After Christmas one of my students gave me a new cookbook, The Bonne Femme Cookbook. It looks delightful; full of easy to make recipes with easy to find ingredients.  This week I made hamburgers with a leek, fig and white wine sauce. I wasn't sure how it was going to go over with my family but they really loved it.  I would make more sauce the next time.  I served it with couscous and sauteed cabbage.

Another enjoyable part of last weekend was a trip to Milwaukee with my daughter for a college interview.  I enjoyed a new coffee shop and had a delightful afternoon poking into a few new shops on our way home.

Hope you had an enjoyable week and bon appétit.
As always with love from the Midwest,

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