Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A New Year

Many people like to make resolutions for the new year, but I really think so many of those are easily broken.  Where does that leave us?  Feeling badly about what we didn't do. Perhaps this year try to think of some good habits that you started maybe some time last year and plan to continue into this year. I know I get busy and sometimes it's just a good idea to think of these good habits.  Here  is a list of a few habits I will continue or hope to add.  Number 4 on my list is really something I've wanted to do for a while, but haven't. Number 3 my husband suggested a year or so ago, and sometimes I let it go due to our busy schedules.  In the winter it's a great time to try something new.  Really it can be anything, a new salad dressing, a new cake or a new wine.  I know wine isn't a recipe, but why not?  

Happy new year and new things to try!
As always with love from the Midwest,

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