Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Cookies Part 1

It is 28 degrees, and I'm enjoying the Christmas lights come on as the sun has set at 4:45 in Wisconsin.  We had about 5" of snow overnight and during the day.  So all of our evergreens are piled with snow.  I thought I'd make a few posts about Christmas cookies.  This weekend I made fudge and Peanut Butter Blossoms with Hershey's Kisses. I know the peanut butter cookies are not necessarily a Christmas cookie, but they are always delicious and I don't always have time to make cookies.  I just use the recipe on the back of the kisses, with a few changes in amounts.  It is always nice to make them with someone else - there is a lot of rolling in balls and opening kisses.  This time it was my middle daughter.  We also listened to Christmas music, Pentatonix for craziness in the kitchen.

I encourage you to take some time and bake.  If it is with a loved one or a good friend even better.  
As always with love from the Midwest,

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