Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Quick Pickle

Recently I just made a batch of pickled radishes.  I found this recipe on  Look under Marisa's old blog of In a Pickle in the recipe index for this very easy recipe.  I was looking for a way to use forgotten radishes in my garden.  They were really big.  This year I remembered my radishes in my garden and decided to make the same recipe.  You may ask what is one to do with these once I've made them?  I found they were very good in egg, tuna and chicken salad.  I also just enjoy them to munch on or in a regular green salad.  I know there are many other recipes for pickled veggies and it makes me want to try them.  As a side note I did ask Marisa if this recipe would can well.   She replied no because it would change the texture of the radishes to be less crispy. The radishes kept well for at least 6 weeks.  
French Breakfast and Globe Radishes.  I like to grow a combination.

Ready to go into the refrigerator. 

What have you pickled lately?
With Love from the Midwest,

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