Monday, July 18, 2016

July's Treasures

This month's treasures are specific for me, but not necessarily in other parts of the country. As the summer continues I love to spend time out side and traveling on the weekends when I can. I really enjoy the flowers all around, a trip to the coffee shop and if possible a weekend in Door County.  However I also find I spend a fair amount of time canning fruits for the winter.  Last summer I can about 8 pints of peaches and during the drab months of March to May my son and I found we really enjoyed the canned peaches. He liked them for snack and on ice cream for dessert (who wouldn't), and I also liked them on my oatmeal or with my toast for breakfast.  They disappeared quickly to say the least.  Well this year I bought 1 bushel of peaches! Tree Ripe Citrus has great peaches.  I buy my peaches out of the back of a semi and it comes 3 times/season.  Check them out for grapefruits as well. Oh my so far I've canned several, made jelly and made one pie filling, and there is more to be made.  I know I'll also love this later on.
Some garden greenery.  Citronella geraniums help keep the mosquitoes away.

My husband's favorite lillies.

The Door Co. shore line.

A bonfire is always a good idea, with s'mores of course.

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