Monday, June 20, 2016

Lunch on a hot summer's day

Lunch is in general not something I really love during the school year.  I try to make it interesting, but I'm still making it the day before and warming it up.  One of the things I really like about the weekends or vacation is the ability to make a lunch for that moment.  In the summer that means cool summer salads.  Today since it is 80 degrees and sunny that means eating on my patio wearing my sunglasses and hat and enjoying on of my favorites, peaches and Burrata cheese. If you haven't tried Burrata yet you must.  It is a much creamier version of fresh Mozzarella.   The peaches are from a local farmer, Sleepy Hollow Produce, who uses the same Georgia farmer every year, and the peaches are always excellent. I can honestly say I've never had a bad peach.  The Burrata is from Bel Gioioso, they also make my favorite Ricotta cheese for breakfast.

 The salad today includes;
Peaches -peeled and sliced
Burrata -torn
Fresh taragon -chopped
Procuitto - a few slices
A drizzle of olive oil and black pepper
I served mine with a slice of my sourdough bread.  

Honestly I think the only thing that would have made this better is a glass of wine.  

With love from the midwest,

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