Monday, June 13, 2016

June's Thoughts and Pleasures

Well it's mid June and almost summer, according to the calendar.  Here in Northeast Wisconsin the weather has been fluctuating between 60 to 85 degrees.  However each month brings us new things to look forward to.  Here is the June list.

1. Summer Vacation! I am also a teacher and I won't lie I love my summer break.  It is a great way to recharge and be with my family.

2. Shorts (see last week's post)

3. Bonfires.  Yes it is all summer and fall long, but this is the start.

4. Rhubarb. I love my rhubarb plant and I've spent hours baking because of it. I still have yet to make jelly and freeze a few bags worth but I will.
Rhubarb crisp, sauce and strawberry rhubarb muffins.  

5. June is also the start of our farmer's market, again this is an all summer long saturday morning trip, but opening day is always sweet.

I hope you enjoy what your region or town brings you each month.

With love from the Midwest,

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