Monday, February 29, 2016

Sunday Dinner Again

I can't over emphasize the importance of sitting down to a meal together.  Everyone gets a chance to talk at the table and just be in each other's company.  There are no electronics to distract us.  The tradition of the Sunday dinner doesn't have to happen on Sunday, but for us this week it did.

Here's the menu.  I varied it slightly from one I found in one of my many cookbooks.  Really all of this took about 45 minutes from start to finish; except for the polenta which I made ahead of time. I served a Beaujolais Villages as evening's wine.  (I know it isn't Italian, but it was delightful with the dinner.)

My polenta cooling in a pie plate.  Just slice and bake for 20 min in a 350 degree oven

Romano and honey drizzle
Sausage and mushroom gravy
Red wine walnut cake

Enjoy your family and your kitchen.
Bon Appétit et Santé!

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