Monday, October 19, 2015

Yoga.. a story

I've been practicing yoga in one form or another for the past 12 years. I first came to the practice because a co-worker of mine was always relaxed and groovy.  I asked her about yoga and turns out she was a yoga teacher.  I thought I would enjoy it because it might be a lot like ballet, using the whole body.  I was wrong and right.

It does use your whole body, mind and spirit.  In my ballet classes of my youth we strove for perfection of line and body.  In yoga we learn that we are already perfect in the body we have.  I took a few classes through the school district and really enjoyed it ,the physical part.  When I decided I wanted to know more I asked the teacher to do some more difficult poses she said she couldn't and suggested I try a local studio.

I walked into the studio for my first class. It was 90 degrees and a 90 minute class.  I thought I was going to be sick, but I went back not to be defeated.  I've been going back to the same studio for 10 years now.  I would say I'm hooked, but for different reasons.

While I love the physical practice I've come to love the spiritual and mental practice more.  I've become aware of my body, when I'm tense or feeling any other emotion.  I've become a better Catholic.  Yes. You did read that right.  I focus more in mass and really listen.  I've become a better mother, wife and friend because I've become a better listener.  I've learned that I need to devote my time to whomever is speaking to me.  Through the physical practice I've learned there is not much I can't do, its just my brain that gets in the way.

These days I usually practice 4 days a week, some times its a rigorous vinyasa yoga sometimes its yin or restorative.  The other days I've devoted to running, walking, biking or light weight training. I listen to my body to give me clues as to what I need.

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