Monday, August 31, 2015

Saturday Dinner

This is part of our dinner Saturday evening.  In the warmer months I really like to take advantage of grilling on my  Big Green Egg.  This meal included: t-bones, from our 1/2 cow we purchased in the late spring, grilled vegetables all from our garden (zucchini, eggplant. red pepper and fresh herbs) and our favorite sage butter pasta.  My husband and I also enjoyed Liberty School Cabernet Sauvignon with the meal as well.  This is a great inexpensive, under $12, cab that holds up well to flavorful piece of beef. As for the sage butter pasta here is  the recipe.

Bring your choice of pasta to a boil.  I use about 10-12 oz for 5 people as a side dish.

While the water is coming to a boil melt 6 Tbs of butter in a small sauce pan.  When the butter is melted add a large handful of shredded sage.  Let the sage and butter simmer on super low heat.  The butter will start to turn brown.

When the pasta is done drain it and return it to the cooking pan.  Add the butter and top with shredded fresh Parmesan cheese and a little freshly ground pepper.

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