Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Planning Meals

 Usually on Sunday I plan our week's dinners. This process has saved me a lot of time over the years.  I also go to the grocery once a week, unless I forget something crucial or I decide to make a special dessert.   

This is how I go about deciding what is for dinner. 

I print out a paper calendar of the month.  Yes paper this way my family can see what is for dinner.

Next I look at my calendar to see what we have going on in the evening.  Sometimes I have more time sometimes the meal has to be quick.

After that I look through my fridge and freezer and see what has to go.  My family gets 1/2 a cow and 1/2 a pig from a local farmer so we always have meat. 

Then I go through my binders of tried and true recipes.  If time permits I also go through my cookbooks and magazines.  I try to cook one new thing a week, but honestly there are weeks when we are happy that the 5 of us are just sitting down for a family meal.  I also like to include one meal that is either vegetarian or fish based.

After I've decided on the menu for the week or next 5-6 days, I pull out all of my recipes and create my grocery list. (My husband made a map like list of our grocery store so most things are in order.   This really helps me when I am shopping.)  After I have my list I put my recipes in my recipe holder for the week.  That way I don't even have to find the recipe; I just cook dinner.    

I've been doing this process for many years and it has saved me so much time. There is no need to pay for a service that does this electronically for you. You just need a little time on the front end for a much smoother week later on.  Please give this a try even for 3-4 days at a time and see if it works.  

My basic calendar for the start of August.


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