Monday, September 7, 2015

5 minutes to start your day!

As I've mentioned I'm also a student and teacher of yoga.  I decided to include this pose because it is one of my favorites.  Legs up the wall or viparita karani is a great pose.  There are many health benefits some of which include:

  • reducing swollen ankles
  • digestive help
  • lengthening of the hamstrings
  • restoring tired feet or legs
  • reducing minor insomnia
I love to start my day with this pose, or include it somewhere in my day for 4-5 minutes.  You really don't need anything special for it, just a wall or as you can see in the picture a flat surface.  I've included the picture on the right because sometimes our hamstrings are too tight to keep your butt on the floor and your heels against the wall.  Try not to lock your knees and your feet can be slightly flexed.  As I mentioned above this pose can be helpful with insomnia.  If I'm having trouble sleeping I go to my flat space in my darkened room and lie with my legs up the wall.  

What to do when your in this pose? Nothing my friends, just breathe. If you've set a timer you don't need to pay attention to the time.  Perhaps your mind will wander to all that you "should" do, but just bring your focus back to your inhales and exhales and enjoy some peace for a few minutes.  If 4-5 minutes seems to long to do "nothing" start small; you'll be amazed at the difference a few meditative minutes over time can make.  

Enjoy this fresh and calm start to your day!     Beth

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