Monday, July 6, 2020

52 for 52 Week 26

Hello! It's a beautiful summer morning here in Northeast Wisconsin.  The sky is blue and the birds are chirping.  It will be 90 degrees again today, but right now it is in the upper 70s. This weeks new food is halibut cheeks.  I must say the pictures are not very pretty since halibut is white and I served the fish with a white sauce. So it's a lot of white on white.  On to the food.

This is what the cheeks look like - yes they are the cheeks of the halibut.  Halibut is huge.  I made sure to pat them dry before I seasoned them with salt and pepper.  I cooked them in a hot skillet with some olive oil for about 2-3 minutes per side.  So a lot like cooking sea scallops, if you have ever done that.  Before I started cooking them I roasted potatoes, and made a mock beurre blanc sauce. Here is the recipe from a few weeks ago. For never having cooked these before they turned out very well.  The kids and I all enjoyed.  My husband, who is not big fish eater, said we shouldn't waste them on him.  He had a chicken breasts. 

I also served some local bock choy, so the plate wasn't entirely white.  

This is the interior of the fish.  It had a stringy texture but in no way was is tough or unappetizing at all. Just very different.  

Dessert was pot de crème with homemade caramel sauce. Yum.

If you see fresh halibut cheeks at your local fishmonger please give them a try.  You won't be disappointed.  

 Stay well and bon appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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