Tuesday, June 30, 2020

My Midwest Life June 30th

Hello!  I hope you are doing well today.  This past week my husband, Chris and I, were able to pop ut to Door County for two nights.  A whole series of events fell into place and we were able to enjoy the family's condo by ourselves.   I thought I would share a few photos of the days.  

Finally it is strawberry season.  We bought out the rest of our favorite farm stands berries when we drove up on Tuesday - yup just 3 left. My husband snuck in a treat for later. 

Out to breakfast at our favorite at the White Gull Inn.  I love their Door County Cherry Stuffed French Toast.  Usually they don't have outdoor dining, just a coffee bar, but with COVID 19 there were some tables outside.  Yeah!

Wednesday morning I went on a stroll by the beach and along a shore road.  Here are just a few pictures from that walk.

Someone's driveway monuments. How fun! 

I love an view of an open body of water and the Bay was beautiful. 

It's also incredibly high right now

Lunch was at our favorite lunch spot, Casey's.  They have great BBQ. I had pulled pork with chips and coleslaw, yum!

That afternoon we found a new farm, Door Karma Farms,  and chatted with one of the owners.  She taught us a lot about mushroom foraging; this will be my new thing to try.  

That evening for dinner we used up the rest of the local asparagus, the last for the season, some trumpet mushrooms, bacon from the farm and few other odds and ends I brought up with us.  We had chocolate eclairs for dessert. (Sorry I was too busy eating and forgot to take a picture.)

I hope you all had a pleasant week and enjoy the holiday weekend!

And as always with love from the Midwest,

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