Friday, June 5, 2020

52 for 52 Week 22

Hello! Well summer vacation has officially begun for me! Not that my space has changed, but I won't be working from home.  I hope you are doing well.  For the most part I am. I have some good days and some better days.  I always feel quarantine is better when I can get outside.  We've also done a social distance cocktail party, and I've gone on walks with friends.  

This week's post is a quick one.  I love white chocolate chip cookies with macadamia nuts ever since I was a kid.  Unfortunately no one else in my house does or my one daughter who did can no longer eat grains. Also being in my house a lot has prompted baking, like many others.  I found the blog Desserts for Two, and the recipe for the white chocolate chip cookies was just perfect.  It took longer for my oven to warm up than for me to make the cookies and dish them out.  I got 7 cookies out of the recipe which was perfect because I needed one to "test" and then a few for dessert.  I also passed on two to a friend.  If you are cooking for 2 people or just like to cook often this is a fun blog to check out.    

Bon Appétit! 
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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