Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Some Delicious Meals

Hello! I hope this post finds you healthy.  I thought today I'd share some delicious meals I've been eating during our safter at home time.  I must say since I do have some more time in my day I've been enjoying some pretty delicious food.  I'm also very lucky to have several local farmers that I shop from as well as relatively well stocked grocery stores when I do go. Luckily, cooking has always been a hobby of mine so the fact that I can do more is okay with me.  On with the eats...

Breakfast: Avocado toast with sunny side up egg, spinach and micro greens.  I used my homemade bread, yum and served it with a mango - a nice change of pace.

Scrambled eggs, topped with sauerkraut, kale salad, spelt banana bread and a kiwi.  

Lunch: Lentil salad with vinaigrette, tuna, celery, olives and capers.  This was nice and briney and kept me full until dinner which is  along time. 

Mini baked flaffels.  I served these with a quick sauce of cottage cheese mixed with dill, garlic powder and salt and pepper.  On the side I had pickled veggies and some local hot house tomatoes.  What a treat!

Sunday lunch outside! Tuna Spanish fritata, topped with those same tomatoes and kale salad. I also enjoyed a glass of wine in the 60 degree sunshine! Yippee!

Dinner: Red wine spaghetti with red onions and sausage. I served it with local salad greens and red wine.  This was a great way to start the weekend. Again something a little different, and new.  I think next time I might ask my husband to make homemade pasta for this.  

It's morel season! Chicken thighs with peas, ramps and morels.  I served this with wild rice and roasted parsnips - since I had some left in my veggie drawer. 

Sunday dinner was mac and cheese and celery salad.  I'll post the recipe and thought for the celery salad later this week.

I hope I have left you with some inspiration in the kitchen.  
Bon Appétit!
And as always with love from the Midwest,

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