Saturday, April 4, 2020

52 for 52 Week 13

Hello all!  I hope this post finds you well.  We're staying home and going for walks, runs and bike rides like most people around here.  Luckily for the moment the weather has been lovely, 50 degrees and sunny, so that helps a lot.  With all of the extra time on my hands my son suggested that we make Poutine for lunch one day.  This is not my usual lunch fare, but why not? It sure is good comfort food.   If you don't know what Poutine is it is a Canadian specialty of french fries, cheese curds and gravy. So one day the two of us had a lunch of Poutine.  

For Poutine

French fries - I just used oven baked fries. Super easy
Cheese Curds

2 T cornstarch 
1 1/2 T water

mix together and set aside.

Make a roux:
4 T butter - 
3 T flour
2 cups beef broth - I tried with chicken, but I would like heartier taste

Melt the butter in a sauce pan and then add the flour.  Bring the ingredients together and let cook for about 1 minute.  Slowly add the beef broth.  Bring to a boil and let the gravy thicken.  When it looks to be done add the cornstarch mixture to thicken up the gravy even more.

To serve:

Place hot fries in a large bowl or platter and top with a bit of gravy. Stir this around to get every fry covered.  Add the cheese curds so they melt a bit and and add more gravy to your preference.  Enjoy!

This could be made with may styles of potatoes, cheese curds and various sauces, even tomato.  

Stay well and safe,
and as always with love from the Midwest,

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